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Here are some frequently asked questions that I tend to receive. If you still have something you’d like to know, feel free to contact me for more details and I will do my best to help you get all the information you need.



I like to start with a free, fifteen minute phone call to hear about what's going on, what's your vision and what has worked for you in the past. I will share a bit about my approach and we can see if you are ready to move forward. This gives us both a chance to be sure it's the right fit. It's not a high pressure sales call, just a conversation. 

Once you decide to move forward, we will schedule the first three sessions. It is best if these can happen over three consecutive weeks.

I offer in person and virtual meetings Monday through Friday.  



Each individual session is one hour unless discussed in advance. Workshops and retreats will vary in length from a few hours to a full day. The cost for an individual session is $160 paid after each session. Workshops and retreats will vary and costs will be clearly stated. Services are not generally covered by health insurance.  After the initial three sessions we can continue to meet on a regular schedule or move to what works best for you. 

Walking Down Empty Road
The Approach

Therapeutic coaching empowers individuals to set and work toward personal goals, address underlying issues, foster personal growth and resilience and a greater sense of achievement.  Cultivating the skills for the long game is a process. It is not a quick fix, not a hack, not a one and done.  We are not taught how to manage the stress and anxiety that follows achievement and high expectations nor do we understand the impact on our mental and emotional wellbeing. It takes awareness, insight, skill building and practice. You may feel frustrated while you are in the process and not feel you are making enough progress, fast enough. That is completely normal and expected. We will talk about it, you will develop tools for the day to day and build resilience over time.

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